A new world of wellness

The Reason You’re Not losing Weight

If you’re not losing weight despite your efforts, the culprit may be a lack of portion control.  Even if you’re eating healthy foods and exercising regularly, if you’re not practicing portion control, you could still be consuming too many calories. Portion control has a drastic effect on your weight gain or weight loss journey. When you consume more calories than your body needs, you create a calorie surplus, and over time, this leads to weight gain. On the other hand, if you consume fewer calories than your body needs, you create a calorie deficit, and over time, this leads to weight loss.

What is Portion Control?

Portion control refers to the practice of consuming a specific amount of food in a single sitting. The goal of portion control is to prevent overeating and to ensure that the body is receiving the right amount of nutrients to function properly. When people don’t use portion control, they tend to consume larger portions of food than their bodies actually need. This can lead to consuming more calories than the body can burn, which can result in weight gain over time.

Healthy Eating and Weight Gain

It is commonly believed that eating healthy is enough to maintain a healthy weight. While healthy foods are undoubtedly good for the body, it is possible to overeat even healthy foods. This is because healthy foods can still be high in calories, and consuming too many calories can lead to weight gain. For example, if you are like me and spread almond butter on toast in the mornings or eat handfuls of nuts, seeds, and avocados these calorie dense foods can contain more calories than a person needs in a single sitting. Eating healthy foods in excess can lead to a calorie surplus, which can result in weight gain over time.

What is a Calorie Deficit

A calorie deficit is a state in which you consume fewer calories than your body burns in a day. This creates an energy deficit that your body must make up for by using stored energy, such as body fat, to fuel its activities. A sustained calorie deficit over time can lead to weight loss.

Exercise and Weight Gain

Exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, and it is often recommended for weight loss. However, it is important to note that exercise alone is not enough to prevent weight gain. While exercise can help burn calories, it is not an effective way to offset the effects of overeating. If a person is consuming more calories than they are burning, they will still gain weight, even if they are exercising regularly.

The Role of Portion Control in Weight Loss

Effective portion control is vital to managing calorie intake for weight loss purposes. Proper portion control helps individuals consume the right number of calories, allowing their body to function correctly and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, it helps prevent overeating, which can lead to weight gain over time. Taking the time to understand your body’s needs, preparing meals for yourself that adequately meet your needs without overconsumption, and following the tips outlined below you will see steady progress over time as long as you remain consistent. Maintaining proper portion control is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and weight loss journey. It allows you to achieve your weight loss goals and promotes overall health and wellbeing.

How to Practice Portion Control

Practicing portion control can be challenging, especially for individuals who are used to eating larger meals. However, there are several strategies that can help. Here are a few things that I do to help me find balance when eating:

  • Use smaller plates: Using smaller plates can make portions feel larger, helps prevent overloading the plate with an excess of food, which ultimately aids me to feel satisfied with smaller portions.
  • Measure my food: Using measuring cups, spoons, or even a food scale can help me to accurately measure my food portions.
  • Eat slowly: Eating slowly can help me feel full and satisfied with smaller portions.
  • Don’t eat directly from the package: Eating directly from the package can make it difficult to control portions. Instead, portion out a serving size onto a plate or into a bowl.
  • Be mindful: Pay attention to my body’s hunger and fullness cues. Stop eating when I feel full, even if there is

Eating healthy and exercising regularly are important components of a healthy lifestyle. However, even those who follow a strict diet and exercise regimen may find themselves gaining weight if they are eating too much. Trust me when I say, I can eat an entire burrito in one sitting… it doesn’t mean I should. Portion control is essential for weight loss because it helps individuals to consume the appropriate number of calories for their body’s needs. By practicing portion control, individuals can maintain a healthy weight and prevent unexplained weight gain.

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